8 Absolutely Beautiful Book Covers That Will Make You Feel Like You're Swimming Ii Color
By Anna Pētersone
There's only one thing better than curling up with a really good book - and that's when the book in question brings you pleasure from the simply looking at its cover.
Erin Bowman's ‘’Vengeance road road’’ published under Houghton Mifflin Harcourt catches your eye immediately.
’’I am so in love with this cover. (..)The illustrator behind the artwork—Teagan White—hit it out of the park. From the pistols to the cactus to the skulls to the bits of gold, I could not imagine a more perfect cover for this book. It feels true to the time and setting (1877 Arizona), but still feels fresh and relevant to today’s YA landscape,’’says the author herself.
Illustrator as well as nature enthusiast Taegan White is a specialist when it comes to working with nature themes. Looking at her work, this cover seems even a little dark and heavy, but definitely plays along with her intricate, detailed style.
The book tells a story about how daughters love for her killed father turns into hate and she becomes fueled by rage. Eighteen-year-old Kate Thompson disguises herself as a boy and starts looking for answers, in the dangerous world what is Arizona in the second half of the 19th century, and as she gets closer to the truth about herself, Kate must decide if there's room for love in a heart full of hate.
What an absolute beauty!
’’Furthermore’’ by Tahereh Mafi tells a magical story about Alice Alexis, who is sinking in a world of magic and color and love, especially the love she shares with her parents. When one of them-her father- disappears, she makes the choice to look for him, and find him in the magical land of Furthermore- that is also full of dangerous mystery. On her quest to find Father, Alice must first find herself—and hold fast to the magic of love in the face of loss. Starting a plot theme here, aren’t we? Designer Theresa Evangelista has absolutely nailed this colourful cover design, perfectly capturing the essence of the story!
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3.’’White Teeth’’ by Zadie Smith
A couple of years ago Penguin collaborated with six tattoo artists, to create series called Penguin Ink, where modern literary classics like The Accidental by Ali Smith and Zadie Smith's White Teeth were published in new-tattooed skin. I was able to get my hands on White Teeth and let me tell you... I did not read it for the longest time, because I was scared that the story will not live up to it’s beautiful body, created by the super talented artist Lynn Akura. However, the story is, of course, great. It tells the history of two non-entirely english families in England and the struggle of reality stretching two ways-inside and outside the human being.
This appearance on this list is not only because it’s a beautiful cover, but mostly because of the story behind it’s creation.
Mirza Waheed's extraordinary novel The Book of Gold Leaves is a heartbreaking love story set in war-torn Kashmir. The main character in the novel is an artist of a now-extinct genre of naqashi (papier-mâché art). Waheed's grandfather,Mirza Ali, had been such an artist and upon one of authors trips to see his family in Kashmir, he was given a very intricate artwork , done in the ancient manner by none other than his grandfather. Weirdly, the novel had been finished before seeing Mirza Ali’s golden cover. So, it is the one you can see on the cover of this wonderful novel.
Just look at this.
The Penguin by Hand collection is six of Penguin’s best-loved titles written by women in recent years, each with a beautiful craft-inspired jacket.
The absolutely wonderful designer Helen Musselwhite created a very fancy one for Karen Fowler’s The Jane Austen Book Club using papercutting art. Musselwhite used the location of the novel-California as an inspiration for the sunshine that is this cover. The Jane Austen Book Club is exactly what it seems to be- six people coming together and having their lives intervened by the one and only Jane Austen.
Another absolute masterpiece by Penguin. The Wizard of Oz and Other Wonderful Books of Oz:The Emerald city of Oz and Glinda of Oz by L.Frank Braun.
Illustrated by Rachel Sumpter, this book is a true collectors piece. As you can already guess, The Penguin Threads aswell, are series of classics published in an almost royal manner. This time- children’s classics.
One of the most captivating covers I have ever seen. Eleanor is the story of choices that ripple through time far beyond the moment they’re made. And what happens when, just sometimes, bonds are so powerful they reach beyond this world and into another.
The story tells a mature theme of depression and sadness, so I would not say its a YA novel, however the story is beautifully written, almost poetic, which is what the designer of this Harper Collins edition has managed to capture on the cover.
A novel about Tooly Zylberberg, and secrets of her life. Tooly is bookseller in countryside of Wales. She is always reading. And her life is going to tell you the serious stuff about our world- from the end of Cold War until the tech revolution.
There are few things I love more than truly intellectual literature dressed in a chilled-out style-type of book!
The color combination of black, white and red will always cause some attention, much deserved for mind candy like this!
8 Absolutely Beautiful Book Covers That Will Make You Feel Like You're Swimming Ii Color
Reviewed by Admin
7:53:00 AM

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