13 books You'll Definitely Want To Binge-Read Over Your Next Long Weekend
1. A Little Life by Hanya Yanigahara
I read this over the summer and have probably recommended it to everybody I know at least three times since then. It is an amazingly written novel that explores traumatic childhood abuse but also the universal human capacity for kindness, forgiveness, and unconditional love. The four days in which I read this were probably the most I’ve ever cried — never have I so strongly wanted to give a fictional character a hug.
—Graham Kilpatrick. Read More
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2. Mystic River by Dennis Lehane
Hands down my favorite book, Mystic River is written as a mystery but expressed as a Greek tragedy. You could be any one of the three main characters. And who would you turn out to be given the experiences that these “ordinary” people have lived? Are we born with characteristics that will turn us into bad people or will we choose something better? A fantastic story that is driven by the characters with an ending that will shock you. Not for the faint of heart…
—Myles H. Read More
3. Modern Romance by Aziz Ansari
This book forces you to rethink all the choices you’ve made — and will make — trying to navigate the waters of love in the internet age. It’s surprising how serious and thoughtful the writing can be, but Aziz’s voice still radiated throughout. I was actually laughing out loud throughout the whole thing and couldn’t put it down.
—Kierstin Veldkamp. Read More
4. The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern
I couldn’t stop talking about The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern. It’s hard to describe without making it sound too odd, but basically this book is about a circus that is used as a sort of battleground for two magicians who are supposed to be competing against each other but end up falling in love. The writing is absolutely incredible; this book seriously feels like a work of art. Even if the premise sounds really odd, it’s worth reading because Morgenstern’s writing is just so gorgeous and amazing.
—Sarah Dennison. Read More
5. The Complete Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi
In this beautiful graphic novel, Marjane Satrapi recounts her childhood and coming-of-age during the turbulent years of the Iranian Revolution and the following Iran–Iraq War, which ravaged her country. Struggling to find her place in a world that demanded women veil themselves and silence their opinions, Satrapi rebels, plunging into the hyperliberal drug-addled art world of late-20th-century Europe where she learns much about herself and what she really believes. Satrapi’s fantastic story and distinctive writing and illustration style just pulls you in and never lets go.
—Margaret Carmel. Read More
6. Bird Box by Josh Malerman
“Something is out there — something terrifying that must not be seen. One glimpse and a person is driven to deadly violence. No one knows what it is or where it came from, but it’s left society in ruins. Now, Malorie and her family must make their escape, pursued by the deadly unknown.”
This is probably the scariest thing I’ve ever read. It sticks with you long after the book ends.
—Angelique Newman. Read More
7. Born to Run: A Hidden Tribe, Superathletes, and the Greatest Race the World Has Never Seen by Christopher McDougall
I read this during the three months when I was recovering from crippling shin splints and quickly losing motivation to return to running. Christopher McDougall goes in hunt of Mexico’s Tarahumara Indians — the world’s best long-distance runners — trying to find out how they can run for days at a time without rest or injury. It is such an inspiring and engaging read — well-written, with a perfect mix of history, science, captivating characters, and adventure. It kept my spirits up and I couldn’t put it down. Definitely inspired me to get past my injury and try again!
—Victoria S. Read More
8. Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas
This is YA fantasy at its best — Celaena is a badass assassin who must take down 23 killers, thieves, and warriors to win her freedom. But as she learns more about the evils plaguing the kingdom, the stakes become ever higher. The entire book is bursting with epic fight scenes, romance, Fae, magic, and so many twists (and deaths) that I didn’t see coming.
—Jenelle R. Read More
9. Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates
Everyone on Earth should read this book, for real. Beyond talking about what it means to be a person of color in the U.S., for me its most valuable lesson is what it means to own your body (despite your color, gender, age) and what owning your body responsibly means. It just came out this summer and I’m planning on giving everyone I care about a copy for Christmas. Yes, it’s that good.
—Inés Goméz. Read More
10. I’ll Give You the Sun by Jandy Nelson
I can’t stop gushing about Jandy Nelson’s I’ll Give You the Sun. It’s an explosion of sibling love and jealousy, art and loss, and ghosts that lurk and refuse to go. The writing is to die for. It’s glorious. I wanted to eat this book.
—Bidisha Das. Read More
11. The Girl With All the Gifts by M.R. Carey
I have raved about this book to anyone who would listen. It’s a new take on the zombie genre, but definitely one of those books you’re best off going into knowing as little as possible — just to really enjoy all that enfolds. It’s unusual, well-written, horrifying, and fascinating all at once.
—Ledford. Read More
12. The Go-Between by L.P. Hartley
In many ways, The Go-Between is similar to Atonement. A young schoolboy is enlisted as the unwitting messenger in an illicit love affair that unleashes aftershocks that will be felt for years. Throughout, there’s this gnawing, pensive feeling of tragedy that you don’t fully understand until the moment when you just can’t look away. I may have been too young when I read this at 19, but it’s stuck with me ever since.
This is a perfect read for anyone who has struggled to make sense of the past, or ever felt at all out of place in time. Oh, and if you want a good adaptation, nothing beats Alan Bates’s raw sex appeal as Ted.
—Clemmie McFall. Read More
13. The Darkest Child by Delores Phillips
This is a debut novel that delivered. In this story set in Georgia in the late fifties, you can expect the elements of that time in history — racism, lynchings, fighting for equality — but all that’s happening in the background. It’s really the story of Rozelle Quinn, narrated by her seventh and darkest child, Tangy Mae Quinn, who’s in the midst of her coming-of-age. I didn’t just read this book — I lived it and I LOVED IT! The plot was well-crafted and the themes were all relatable despite the extreme dysfunction. There is deep love and bitter hate existing in the same space.
—Vernette. Read More
2. Mystic River by Dennis Lehane
Hands down my favorite book, Mystic River is written as a mystery but expressed as a Greek tragedy. You could be any one of the three main characters. And who would you turn out to be given the experiences that these “ordinary” people have lived? Are we born with characteristics that will turn us into bad people or will we choose something better? A fantastic story that is driven by the characters with an ending that will shock you. Not for the faint of heart…
—Myles H. Read More
3. Modern Romance by Aziz Ansari
This book forces you to rethink all the choices you’ve made — and will make — trying to navigate the waters of love in the internet age. It’s surprising how serious and thoughtful the writing can be, but Aziz’s voice still radiated throughout. I was actually laughing out loud throughout the whole thing and couldn’t put it down.
—Kierstin Veldkamp. Read More
4. The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern
I couldn’t stop talking about The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern. It’s hard to describe without making it sound too odd, but basically this book is about a circus that is used as a sort of battleground for two magicians who are supposed to be competing against each other but end up falling in love. The writing is absolutely incredible; this book seriously feels like a work of art. Even if the premise sounds really odd, it’s worth reading because Morgenstern’s writing is just so gorgeous and amazing.
—Sarah Dennison. Read More
5. The Complete Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi
In this beautiful graphic novel, Marjane Satrapi recounts her childhood and coming-of-age during the turbulent years of the Iranian Revolution and the following Iran–Iraq War, which ravaged her country. Struggling to find her place in a world that demanded women veil themselves and silence their opinions, Satrapi rebels, plunging into the hyperliberal drug-addled art world of late-20th-century Europe where she learns much about herself and what she really believes. Satrapi’s fantastic story and distinctive writing and illustration style just pulls you in and never lets go.
—Margaret Carmel. Read More
6. Bird Box by Josh Malerman
“Something is out there — something terrifying that must not be seen. One glimpse and a person is driven to deadly violence. No one knows what it is or where it came from, but it’s left society in ruins. Now, Malorie and her family must make their escape, pursued by the deadly unknown.”
This is probably the scariest thing I’ve ever read. It sticks with you long after the book ends.
—Angelique Newman. Read More
7. Born to Run: A Hidden Tribe, Superathletes, and the Greatest Race the World Has Never Seen by Christopher McDougall
I read this during the three months when I was recovering from crippling shin splints and quickly losing motivation to return to running. Christopher McDougall goes in hunt of Mexico’s Tarahumara Indians — the world’s best long-distance runners — trying to find out how they can run for days at a time without rest or injury. It is such an inspiring and engaging read — well-written, with a perfect mix of history, science, captivating characters, and adventure. It kept my spirits up and I couldn’t put it down. Definitely inspired me to get past my injury and try again!
—Victoria S. Read More
8. Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas
This is YA fantasy at its best — Celaena is a badass assassin who must take down 23 killers, thieves, and warriors to win her freedom. But as she learns more about the evils plaguing the kingdom, the stakes become ever higher. The entire book is bursting with epic fight scenes, romance, Fae, magic, and so many twists (and deaths) that I didn’t see coming.
—Jenelle R. Read More
9. Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates
Everyone on Earth should read this book, for real. Beyond talking about what it means to be a person of color in the U.S., for me its most valuable lesson is what it means to own your body (despite your color, gender, age) and what owning your body responsibly means. It just came out this summer and I’m planning on giving everyone I care about a copy for Christmas. Yes, it’s that good.
—Inés Goméz. Read More
10. I’ll Give You the Sun by Jandy Nelson
I can’t stop gushing about Jandy Nelson’s I’ll Give You the Sun. It’s an explosion of sibling love and jealousy, art and loss, and ghosts that lurk and refuse to go. The writing is to die for. It’s glorious. I wanted to eat this book.
—Bidisha Das. Read More
11. The Girl With All the Gifts by M.R. Carey
I have raved about this book to anyone who would listen. It’s a new take on the zombie genre, but definitely one of those books you’re best off going into knowing as little as possible — just to really enjoy all that enfolds. It’s unusual, well-written, horrifying, and fascinating all at once.
—Ledford. Read More
12. The Go-Between by L.P. Hartley
In many ways, The Go-Between is similar to Atonement. A young schoolboy is enlisted as the unwitting messenger in an illicit love affair that unleashes aftershocks that will be felt for years. Throughout, there’s this gnawing, pensive feeling of tragedy that you don’t fully understand until the moment when you just can’t look away. I may have been too young when I read this at 19, but it’s stuck with me ever since.
This is a perfect read for anyone who has struggled to make sense of the past, or ever felt at all out of place in time. Oh, and if you want a good adaptation, nothing beats Alan Bates’s raw sex appeal as Ted.
—Clemmie McFall. Read More
13. The Darkest Child by Delores Phillips
This is a debut novel that delivered. In this story set in Georgia in the late fifties, you can expect the elements of that time in history — racism, lynchings, fighting for equality — but all that’s happening in the background. It’s really the story of Rozelle Quinn, narrated by her seventh and darkest child, Tangy Mae Quinn, who’s in the midst of her coming-of-age. I didn’t just read this book — I lived it and I LOVED IT! The plot was well-crafted and the themes were all relatable despite the extreme dysfunction. There is deep love and bitter hate existing in the same space.
—Vernette. Read More
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Please add your favorite great reads and books you can’t put down in the comments! I need to keep the recommendations coming! Thank you!

Please add your favorite great reads and books you can’t put down in the comments! I need to keep the recommendations coming! Thank you!

13 books You'll Definitely Want To Binge-Read Over Your Next Long Weekend
Reviewed by Admin
7:20:00 PM

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