9 Bestsellers That Live Up To Expectations
When it comes to bestsellers, sometimes they just don’t live up to the hype and we are all left disappointed. However, there are some classics that are worth all the attention in the world so here are nine of our favorites.
1. Everything I Never Told You (Celeste Ng)
The problem with some bestsellers is that they are slow and take some investment to really get into; however, this isn't a problem for this book. With the very first line of ‘Lydia is dead, but they don’t know this yet’, readers are hooked within the first few seconds and it stays this way throughout the majority of the story. Ng allows readers into the character’s deepest thoughts to allow a certain understanding of the tragic death, even if the family doesn’t understand themselves. Read More
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2. The Martian (Andy Weir)
The Martian begins as a group of astronauts decides to return to earth without one of their crew members as a dust storm threatens their lives. After his biosigns go flat, they decide to take action and leave the dead body behind. However, the body is far from dead and Mark Watney has to survive life on Mars with limited resources. This book offers everything from comedy to thrilling scenes whilst they hatch a plan to save him and right from the very beginning. Read More
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3. The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organising (Marie Kondo)
Moving away from the fiction genre, bestsellers can also be helpful guides and this can be seen in Kondo’s book. Although publishers were concerned as to whether the core values of the book would translate into different cultures, it soon became a bestseller and millions of people now use the techniques taught between the covers. Read More
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4. Go Set a Watchman (Harper Lee)
Of course, Lee is famous for To Kill a Mockingbird which can often leave Go Set a Watchman rather overshadowed. This book does have its critics when reviewed as a standalone story but when compared and tied to To Kill a Mockingbird, the results can be extremely interesting. Many literature students are advised to read the two of these books together because of the many ties and comparisons that can be made between the two. Read More
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5. The Boys in the Boat (Daniel James Brown)
In the 1930s and 40s, the Olympic Games faced troubling times and the depression made things even worse, but there are still good stories to be heard. The Boys in the Boat is a true story of nine Americans who went from poor men making ends meet to gold medallists. Although the story centers around a rowing team, it isn't an important detail as there are many more important lessons on offer. For example, we learn about the Depression era, Hitler’s plan to make Germany look like a country with no problems, and then of course, a history of American rowing. Read More
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6. Humans of New York: Stories (Brandon Stanton)
This book is a follow-up to Humans of New York and proved to be just as popular at first release. It offers a truly unique experience for readers as they will be faced with a number of pictures that tell a story into different people’s hopes, aspirations, disappointments and as it is based in New York, we can’t forget dreams. Humans of New York: Stories offers an emotional rollercoaster of a journey as some will put a smile on your face but others will tear away at your heart. Read More
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7. All the Light We Cannot See (Anthony Doerr)
Back to fiction now and a war novel that caught the imagination of a large percentage of the population. Based in France, the story offers sections that you see coming as well as parts that come as a real surprise and it is this factor that keeps the pages turning long after you sit down to read. Many stories are forgotten a short time after reading but this one creates visions and scenes that will stay in the reader’s mind for a long time to come. Read More
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8. Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear (Elizabeth Gilbert)
For many years, readers have been enjoying Gilbert’s views on creativity and taken them as inspiration to move forward. Now, we have a collection of her own stories as well as unique information for creative types. Whether you want to paint a picture or write a book, Big Magic has helped a huge number of people of all ages. Read More
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9. Thinking, Fast and Slow (Daniel Kahneman)
Since early man, we have been researching our mind to find out exactly what goes on in our brains and in 2016, this continues. Thinking, Fast and Slow is a good introduction to intelligent concepts and fascinating theories - and all from the perspective of a Nobel prize-winner. With this book, we learn how we think in addition to the techniques required to remove mental errors. Read More
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So there we have it, nine fantastic books across a number of genres that live up to their expectations. If you haven't read any of these just yet, you have some work to be getting on with!

9 Bestsellers That Live Up To Expectations
Reviewed by Admin
8:30:00 AM

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