13 Books to Read Before Age 25
The books recommended here are not mainly self-help books, however, this list include some books that are: how-to-do books category).Yet, these books are a refining of all the stirred up emotions and fears of being at the peculiar age of 25. Some of these books will make you sentimental, will rouse you, and bring back to you some memories. Nevertheless; each of them set up together will conjure the colorful phases of feelings that accompanies being at that age. Investigate these 13 books and check whether you feel the same!
1. The BELL JAR BY Sylvia Plath
Sylvia Plath in her BELL depicts the absurdity and complexities of all the emotions accompanied by being in the early twenties, as for this age is considered as a shift from teen age to maturity and taking responsibilities. The book is about a gift woman that looks like she has all figured out when the storm that comes with being in this age hit her when she wasn't ready. THIS is a book that we can all learn from and get prepared to deal with our new phase of life. Read More
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2. Be awesome: Modern Life for Modern Ladies by Hadley Freeman
Many ladies out there were too focused on graduation and college that they missed the real world that is really different than what they have been taught during their college years. This is an inspiring book that shows how a modern lady can be modern and diligent in a place where beauty, dating and being a female has already an image. Read More
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3. Bossypants by Tina Fey
We all go through that period of our lives that things seem unclear and we get confused about our purpose in life. This is the kind of books that will ignite the fire inside you and inspire you to go after what you want with passion and determination. However, it's not a going to be boring and filled with serious phrases; it's funny and easily digested with the use of sage anecdotes. Read More
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4. Me Talk Pretty One Day by David Sedaris
This combination of cheerful essays written by DAVID Sedaris about almost everything related to being in the twenties is really an up-lifting one. Because this is an age where people start seeking and unraveling their roots looking in other place that are not familiar. The combination of essays in this one can give you a perspective that this is a crucial step for every human being. Read More
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5. The Rules of Attraction by Bret Easton Ellis
Do you feel like you are missing the college days? Don’t we all miss the feeling of having nothing to worry about and just set deadlines for our finals? Well yes, but you won't look back at it after reading this abnormal book about some group in their twenties subscribing to a "liberal art college." Read More
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This is considered one of the best novels by Hemingway. The book describes the transformation that follows the end of the twenties and the space that has been described as "lost decade". THIS is a flattering novel written by the best for those that are taking into consideration embarking on a journey TO a foreign country. Read More
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7. Timequake by Kurt Vonnegut
Kilgore Trout has brought something completely new and never written before. The incident starts when a timequack is going to take place In New York on the 13th February which will lead to a loss of moral sense and values. The time would go back to 1991, leading people to undergo ten year of things that were already lived causing the people to lose their self- determination and autonomy. This is a book that will provoke your thoughts and you will start wondering if you were in the same situation. Read More
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8. The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan
Growing old can be a virtue and a curse. Often we think we are going to stay the same, but change inevitable and therefore we must be adaptable and flexible. This is a significant novel that covers the relationship among four daughters, four mothers and four families as the history change according to who is narrating the story. Read More
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9. Silver Screen Fiend by Patton Oswalt
This rousing chronicle took place between 1995 and 199, written by Patton Oswalt a man that cannot be shacked when it comes to acquiring knowledge from films. If you are 25 years old or in your twenties, you don't want to miss this one BECAUSE Oswlt embraces all the aspects of taking the leap that can transform us from average into successful and authentic individuals. Read More
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10. Bad Feminist by Roxane Gay
This is one of the best essays i have read about evolving as a woman. The 25 or the 20 age is where we start growing and flowering as the female goddesses we are. Roxane Gay has gifted us with this penetrating combination sequence in which she will take us back on previous years and the role that feminism has contributed to culture. This one will keep you inspired and excited for good and becoming better by realizing your true power. But be aware for you are becoming the culture you are consuming. Read More
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11. The Rachel Papers by Martin Amis
This transitioning story is around a gaudy and over-expressive man going to turn twenty named Charlie Highway, who on the night prior to his birthday is reflecting back on the most recent three months where he's been romancing a lady named Rachel. The catchy thing about this intriguing novel and why you should peruse it before the age of 25 is the fact that Amis really composed it when she was 24. That was mind-blowing to me, and got me pretty excited about reading it. Read More
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12. Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me?by Mindy Kahling
Have you ever felt like a writer is walking with you hand in hand like a best friend and guiding your through different aspects of life? Well, this is a book that would make you feel that you are in good hands. The uniqueness laid in this book is due to the newness and freshness of this book; this is the first book written by Mindy Kahling, using her own life as an example to mentor us. Read More
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13. Yes Please by Amy Poehler
Amy in this self-help and guide book offers a series of essays on the tangible and intangible things that are very important to us as human beings, including topics such as: sexuality, love, relationships and parenting. Amy plays the role of a guru who will provide you with all the equipment you'll ever need to climb and rise wiser and strong above your mid-twenties. Read More
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13 Books to Read Before Age 25
Reviewed by Admin
6:01:00 AM

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